03. April 2017 | 12:50
The thermal lake in Hévíz is a unique one in the world. Its waters rich in mineral elements have medicinal properties, and the hot water source makes it possible to take bath all year long. A visit to Hévíz is not only a wonderful nature, but also priceless moments of relaxation.
17. March 2017 | 01:11
The lymphatic drainage massage was developed and pioneered by Dr. Emil Vodder, Danish biologist at the beginning of the 1900s.
05. March 2017 | 02:13
Did you know that head massage also stimulates hair growth?
28. February 2017 | 00:06
Fango is a word with Italian origin and it means odourless and hot mineral mud from volcanic earth.
23. February 2017 | 14:19
Thai massage originates from India; it is classified under the alternative massage therapies.
19. February 2017 | 02:04
Hydroxeur treatment – or Jacuzzi – is used when due to some reason manual massage cannot be applied or we wish to achieve a different impact.
14. February 2017 | 12:11
Already ancient civilizations were using plants with essential oil content: for healing, during religious ceremonies, for beauty care purposes, for seduction or embalming.
09. February 2017 | 00:35
Products with high quality from the producers
31. January 2017 | 03:37
Relaxing massage is a gentle, stress-releasing massage form. During relaxing massage patients often feel sleepy and it is very common that they also fall asleep.
26. January 2017 | 01:55
The origins of Yumeiho goes back all the way to Shaolin Schools. It was elaborated and developed later on by Professor Massayuki from Tokyo