On two wheels

Choose an outdoor spot for sports activities whenever it is possible. While you are on holiday, a lake-shore area, the edge of a forest or a park could be the most ideal spot for active recreation.

Hévíz and its surroundings provide you with good cycling facilities; there are a number of built cycle tracks and marked cycle routes. While cycling, you can get to know the towns and superb landscapes of the Balaton Highlands, the volcanic hills and the valleys hiding between the shore hills as well as the wildlife of the Kis-Balaton. You can hire a bike in various places, including tourist offices, hotels and even guest houses.


Bicycle and E-bike rent at the Tourinform Office


From January 2021, we await our guests with a whole new set of bicycles, e-bikes!


  3 hours
24 hours
3 or more days
Classic bicycle
3 500 Ft 4 900 Ft 4 500 Ft/day
e-bike - NEUZER
5 900 Ft 8 500 Ft 7 500 Ft/day
e-Trekking BIANCHI 8 000 Ft 12 500 Ft 11 500 Ft/day
e-MTB fully BIANCHI 12 500 Ft 19 500 Ft 18 500 Ft/day

/We reserve the right to change./

Free accessories:

  • child seat
  • bicycle lock
  • crash helmet

Accessories for rent:

  • phone holder: HUF 1,000 / pc
  • side bag: HUF 1,000 / pc
  • water bottle holder: HUF 1,000 / pc
  • basket: HUF 1,000 / pc

Active programmes on the beaches, in the marinas

On several beaches of Lake Balaton you can rent canoes, kayaks, SUP and of course paddle boats. If you want to experience something more challenging, you can also try the water adventure park on the Municipal Beach of Keszthely or the water skiing track on the beach of Vonyarcvashegy. Going on a pleasure cruise is less active but also can be great fun. There are not only scheduled boat services from the Keszthely pier but also themed excursion boats. And if you want to drive a boat yourself, you can hire a small motorboat in the bay.


Kis-Balaton Paddling tours

The Balaton-Uplands National Park organises canoe trips to Diás Island on the Gyöngyös stream during the summer. The group can visit the István Fekete Memorial and Uncle Matula’s Hut, which evokes the atmosphere of the famous Hungarian novel Tüskevár. Advance booking is required for the tours. Guided tours around the Kányavár Island on Kis-Balaton are also available.


Paddling on the River Zala

Paddling on the River Zala for 12 km from Zalaapáti to Zalavár, an easy all-day programme for everyone


Canoeing in winter on the steaming Hévíz Stream

Those who are attracted to extreme conditions can try paddling on the steaming Hévíz Stream from November to March. As protected plants bloom in the stream in the summer and several water birds breed in the reeds along the banks, paddling on the stream is only allowed in the winter with a tour guide. However, it's a fantastic experience, especially if it is snowing. You can have more details about tours at the Hévíz Tourinform Office during the winter season.



Opening hours

Main Entrance &
Festetics Spa Entrance

dr. Schulhof Vilmos promenade and Ady Endre Street

Low season
01. January 2024 - 24.March 2024
07. October 2024 - 30. March 2025
Open: 9:00
Closing of the cashdesk: 16:30
End of bathing time/wellness: 17:00
Closing: 17:30

Early season / Off season
25. March 2024 - 25. May 2024
9. September 2024 - 9. October 2024
Open: 9:00
Closing of the cashdesk: 17:30
End of bathing time/wellness: 18:00
Closing: 18:30

High season
27. May 2024 - 8. September 2024
Open: 8:30
Closing of the cashdesk: 18:00
End of bathing time/wellness: 18:30
Closing: 19:00

Holiday time in December
Closing time on 24.12.2024 is at 14:00; on 31.12.2024 at 16:00. Opening time is at 11:00 on 01.01.2025.

Summer Entrance

Deák Ferenc Square


Opening: 8:30
Closing of the cashdesk: 18:00
Closing: 19:00


Hévíz Lake Bath reserve the right to change the opening hours and prices.

Hévíz Lake Bath Telephone:
+36 30 959 1002


Hévíz Lake Bath and Festetics Bathhouse price list

Valid from 01. April 2023. until withdrawn

3-hour tickets

3-hour ticket 4 500 Ft
3-hour senior ticket / over 60 years old 4 000 Ft
3-hour student ticket / over 14 years old 4 000 Ft
3-hour children ticket / between 6 and 14 years old 2 400 Ft
3-hour group ticket / up to 20 people
4 000 Ft / p

Daily tickets

Daily ticket
7 500 Ft
Daily senior ticket / over 60 years old
7 000 Ft
Daily student ticket
7 000 Ft
Daily children ticket / For children between 6 -14 years of age. Admission for children under 6 is free.
3 600 Ft

Combined family daily tickets

Minimum 3 person, if at least 1 person is a child.

Adult 7 000 Ft / p
Student (over 14)
(over 60)
6 000 Ft / p
Children (between 6-14) 3 600 Ft / p

Additional tickets

+ 1 hour extension (for the 3-hour tickets)
1 800 Ft
+ upgrading to daily ticket (for the 3-hour tickets)
3 600 Ft
+ additional wellness ticket (for all tickets)
3 300 Ft
Time limit fee (For exceeding the time limit, for every 30 minutes started.)
1 000 Ft

Lake Passes

10-hour Lake Pass - Valid on the day of purchase + 15 calendar days.
13 000 Ft
+ 2 000 Ft deposit
20-hour Lake Pass - Valid on the day of purchase + 25 calendar days. 23 000 Ft
+ 2 000 Ft deposit

Other ticket types

Discounted Ticket before Closing (available 2 hours before the end of bathing time)
3 600 Ft
Visitor's Ticket (bathing is not included, max. 30 min)
1 900 Ft + 3 000 Ft deposit
Luggage room (seasonal) 300 Ft / package
Swim-rig rental (daily fee)
700 Ft + 2 000 Ft deposit


Single-day tickets: Usable on the day of purchase only. Entitles the bearer to one-time entry. An additional charge will be levied if the allotted time limit is exceeded. Additional time extension cannot be purchased after the time limit has expired.

Lake passes: Deposits are refundable within 5 days of expiery. Refunds are payable in cash only, each day before the end of bathing time. Passes eintitle the bearer to enter the premises on two occasions per day. Following the bearer's first exit, a 15-minute wait period is required before return entry is permitted. Upon exiting the premises, locker number assignments are automatically cleared, after which we can accept no liability for contents. An additional charge will be levied if the alloted time limit is exceeded.


General information

  • Valid from 09.05.2020 until withdrawal.
  • The depth of the medicinal lake is 2-38 meters.
  • Free use of changing rooms (included in the entrance fee)
  • A sauna sheet is provided free of charge if you buy a ticket that entitles you to the use of the wellness facilities.
  • The services of the wellness area are only available to persons over 12 years of age.
  • Children under 6 years of age are admitted free of charge.
  • The deposit is refundable within 72 hours of expiry.
  • Daily tickets are valid only on the day of purchase.
  • All tickets are valid for one entry a day only.
  • We are not able to refund the price of the purchased tickets.
  • We reserve the right to change prices and opening hours.
  • An ATM is available during the opening hours in the building accessed from the Schulhof Promenade.

You can have more information about our special offers at the cash desks or on our website.
Hévíz Lake Baths phone number: 06 83 30 959 1002