Wellness ABC - what does it mean? Letter S - Y

Wellness ABC - what does it mean? Letter „S-Y” Sole massage, Thai massage, Thalasso therapy, Yumeiho

Wellness ABC - what does it mean? Letter S - Y

Wellness ABC - what does it mean?
Letter „S-Y”
Sole massage, Thai massage, Thalasso therapy, Yumeiho

Sole massage
It has been used in Asia for five thousand years and nowadays we can see its revival. It protects and improves your physical and mental health without any side-effects within a short period if time. It helps you prevent diseases and stimulates the self-healing mechanism of the organism. Massaging the sole opens a way to affect the central nervous system, circulation and internal organs as it is extremely rich in nerve endings. In the reflex zones related to the particular organs crystalline lumps of various sizes may be felt which could often be sensitive or even painful. The aim is to rub off these deposits and detoxify the body, improve blood circulation and stimulate the self-healing capacity.

Thai massage
An Indian medical man was the first to use this technique in Thailand 2500 years ago. In the course of time it changed but it has preserved its bases up to this day. The massage is carried out with hand, elbow, sole or knee along the so called meridian lines connecting the acupuncture spots. You can enjoy this massage wearing a comfortable cotton T-shirt and cotton trousers.
It has a relaxing effect, reduces tension and pain and affects muscles, interstitial tissues, joints, the autonomic nervous system, organs, blood circulation as well as the lines and spots harmonizing energy.

Thalasso therapy
Since the mid-19th century the thelasso therapy - -derives from the Greek word "Thalassa" = sea – has combines the holistic and the wellness experiences for the body and soul. A French doctor called La Bounnadiére was the first to use the designation in 1867, and since then it has been associated with soothing and regenerating effects of the therapy applying sea water, seaweed and sea climate.
Yumeiho is a kind of massage originated from Japan. It was created by Sajoni Masayuki, who used the elements of martial arts of Chinese Buddhist monasteries. The masseur kneads the body thoroughly, stretches the joints and loosens the blocks to make motion and energy flow free. The treatment combines the techniques of acupressure and the manual therapy with eastern physical exercises.


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