
Azúr Apartman Hévíz

Ratings: 18

ÁrgaranciaAzúr Apartman Hévíz


Rooms, services
The guests of Azúr Apartman Hévíz may stay in a nicely furnished, comfortable room in Hévíz.
You won't have to worry about the heat, air-conditioners operating in all rooms will take care of a pleasant mood even during the hottest summer days. Internet connection is available in the rooms, allowing you to stay up-to-date during your holiday.
The exact scope of services offered by Azúr Apartman Hévíz (including those for an extra fee) and the exact equipment of a room are available on the information sheet below and on the information sheet of the given rooms.

Egregy Wine Cellars is 900 meters from the apartment.

The indicated prices are without catering.

You may pay your reservation by the following payment methods: cash, bank transfer, széchenyi recreation card. To confirm your reservation Azúr Apartman Hévíz is asking you to pay 30% in advance.

Arrival, opening hours
The earliest time for arrival and check-in is 14:30, the latest time for departure and check-out is 11:00.
You will be able to speak with the personnel in Hungarian, English, German and Italian languages.

The price shown here is based on the number of adults you specified. You have to give in the number and age of the children again.


  • Accomodation type

    • Apartment
  • Payment methods

    • Transfer
    • Cash
  • Others

    • Wifi in public areas


GPS: 46.805534362793 | 17.19242477417
Térképes elérhetőségek: GPS koordináták alapján