HeBi is a community bike rental system which can be only used within the borders of the city. Guests need to register  a plastic card at the Tourinform Office of Hévíz (Rákóczi str. 2.) which is valid for one year.

The maximum time of the rent is 4 hours a day.
The HeBi bicycles are free of charge for local residents (they need to show their residental card in the Tourinform Office).

In order to use the bicycles, you need to top up the balance of the cards: 2,500 HUF, 5,000 HUF or 10,000 HUF. The balance decreases as time goes by.

Bicycle Fees:

  1. in the first hour, after every half hour started: 100 HUF
  2. in the second hour, after every half hour started: 200 HUF
  3. in the third hour, after every half hour started: 300 HUF
  4. in the fourth hour, after every half hour started: 400 HUF

The counter of the bicycle resets after docking. When taking out once again, it starts with 100 HUF.

You can find or balance the HeBi cards in the Tourinform Office of Hévíz.

(Rákóczi str. 2., +36 83 540 131, heviz@tourinform.hu)


In case you want to get to know the region on two wheels, rent bicycles from the Tourinform Office of Hévíz!

Rent bicycles in the Tourinform Office of Hévíz