According to Professor Massayuki if the body is symmetric the blood and energy circulation of the body are accurate and the conjunctive tissues of the muscles are loose. If the symmetry and balance are thrown out of balance, locomotor diseases and internal organ problems may develop. Healing and health preventive power of Yumeiho lies in the balancing of the energies circulating in the meridians, furthermore in the loosening up of the muscles and in the restoring of the symmetry.
Yumeiho mixes three Far-Eastern massage techniques: massage, acupressure and manual therapy. During the massage the muscles are loosened up, which improve the blood and lymph circulation and metabolism. Stimulation of the acupressure points releases the energy blockages. Joints are put back to their original position by using manual therapy. Yumeiho massage duration is about 45 to 60 minutes. The professional masseur massages the entire body. The treatment is carried out on a rubber mat, while patient is wearing his/her clothes. There are hundred basic techniques, which are complemented by two to three hundred manual therapy elements, depending on the illness.
Yumeiho massage is used for the treatment of wide scope of illnesses. It is extremely beneficial for joint, rheumatic and muscle problems, spine diseases, locomotor diseases, trapped nerves, back-, shoulder-, waist-, leg- and certain headaches, furthermore to prevent and correct incorrect posture.
Yumeiho massage was originally used to improve and boost the physical and mental performance of the Shaolin fighters. The method has been used in Hungary since 1990, when Professor Massayuki visited us and held his first training course.