Hévíz opens slowly but with the right safety measurements

After being closed for more than 7 weeks, Lake Hévíz reopens its gates on 9 May, at 9 o’clock.

Hévíz opens slowly but with the right safety measurements

With taking the right safety measurements, the Lake opens only its beach side for the time being. The Spa asks its visitors to follow the rules regarding hygiene and use only the showers which are located outside on the beach.  The indoor areas are being sanitized continuously, but they are not open yet for guests.

Lake Hévíz is in the unique situation that the 4.4 hectare of natural, clean thermal water constantly changes and cleans itself naturally due to its discharge rate of 410 litres per second. The temperature of the lake revolves around 30 °C as of right now, thanks to the thermal springs inside the lake. This way outdoor swimming and bathing is really pleasant right now. Lake Hévíz is also surrounded by a 6.6-hectare forest, where guests coming to Hévíz can easily avoid crowds and be in the fresh air while enjoying themselves in the shadows of the wonderful swamp cypresses.



The Hotels Are Preparing to Open too

Hotels in Hévíz are accepting reservations from Whitsun, however, most of the hotels will stay closed during the weeks before that.  Currently the staffs of the hotels are working behind closed doors; they are making everything in preparation for the arriving guests so they can enjoy their stay in the cleanest and safest environment.

For the time being, the most important thing is safety. All the hotels do everything in their power to follow the safety rules made by the Hungarian Government and the statements released by the Hungarian Touristic Agency in their COVID guidebook. In Hévíz, there were no problems regarding tidiness in the hotels before the outbreak of the virus either, most restaurants and community centrums had already had hand sanitizers placed out. Currently they are working together to make buffet cafeterias 100% safe for the hotel guests: safety is important for all of us especially regarding the touch-free service and keeping the suggested social distance.


The Farmers’ Market of Hévíz and Other Attractions

Since 4 May, Hévíz has started to revive: the terraces of the restaurants and cafés are starting to open up, the windows of stores are being reorganised. Parks and playgrounds are also open, the new plants and flowers for the summer were also set up in the flowerbeds. Soon you will be able to find your favourite ice cream at the best ice cream parlour in the city, at the Rózsakert Restaurant. Soon the best wines will be also available at the cellars and restaurants at the Egregy vineyards.

The Farmers’ Market of Hévíz is also open with the regular working hours three times a week; however, between 9 and 11 am only people over 65 years old can purchase the fresh fruits and vegetables. At the market, the use of face masks is compulsory!

For the re-opening of the museums and the cinema we still have to wait. Events still cannot be organised, however, the local government is trying to find a solution so the streets of Hévíz can be filled up with music again with avoiding the big gatherings as well.

The Tourinform Office of Hévíz is still only open via telephone or e-mail. The office is set to be open again in the second half of May, until then feel free to contact our collegaues who help guests gladly!

All in all, the management of the city is very optimistic: if the locals and the arriving guests can maintain the safety measures, life can get back to normal soon and we can enjoy Hévíz as it was before!


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