A new Facebook page about Hévíz is launched

A few weeks ago, we launched a brand new FB page to fill the void, and organise competitions.

A new Facebook page about Hévíz is launched

On this page you will find interesting facts, breathtaking pictures of Hévíz and its area. We will update you about upcoming events and share the secrets of our wonderful lake.

Our site is special because we will share all the information in a foreign language, generally in English, sometimes in Czech and also in Russian.

For example, we will organise many games for our followers like: „Upload your photos, and share your experiences about Hévíz”, and the participants can win giftpacks or entrance tickets to the Lake Bath or even vouchers for accommodations for a short stay in the city.

We will organize prize draws when we reach:

  • 100 fans
  • 500 fans
  • 1000 fans
  • 3000 fans
  • 5000 fans

Prize is a giftpackage including: mudsoap, relax CD Heviz, chocolate, a waterlily candel.

Follow us: www.facebook.com/hevizwonderlake

Don’t forget to share our page with others too! It’s worth it!


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