Rooms, services
53 comfortably furnished rooms are offered by Hotel Napsugár Hévíz to guests looking for accommodation in Hévíz.
The hotel provides a parking space for you without charging any additional costs. You may also enjoy refreshing wellness services at the hotel, please take a look at the information sheet for further details.
Wireless Internet connection (WiFi) is available at the hotel, enabling portable devices and smartphones to go online.
If you wish to learn more about the exact scope of services provided by Hotel Napsugár Hévíz (including any available for an extra fee) or about the equipment of the rooms, you will find them on the information sheet below and on the information sheet of the selected room.
Lake Hévíz is 900 meters from the hotel.
The displayed room prices include daily served, fresh and rich breakfast.
You may choose one of the following methods to pay your room: cash, bank transfer, debit/credit card, mbh szép card, széchenyi recreation card.
Arrival, opening hours
The earliest time for arrival and check-in is 14:00, the latest time for departure and check-out is 10:00.
The personnel speaks Hungarian, English and German.
The price shown here is based on the number of adults you specified. You have to give in the number and age of the children again.