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1. Spa, sauna

Last modification: 2018. November. 01. 12:00

Találati relevancia adatok

megtalálta: cím (10)  | összesen: 10 pont
Tárolt adatok:
cím: + 10 Spa, sauna
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2. S.O.S. Hévíz

Last modification: 2020. August. 08. 13:23

Találati relevancia adatok

megtalálta: szöveg (1)  | összesen: 1 pont
Tárolt adatok:
cím: S.O.S. Hévíz
tartalom: + 1                 Numeri di telefono di interesse pubblico: Emergenza: 112Ambulanza: 104Vigili del fuoco: 105Polizia: 107Stazione di Polizia di turno di Hévíz:tutti i giorni dalle ore 6:00 fino alle ore 18:00: (0036) 83/342-860, negli altri orari: 107 Vigili del Fuoco Volontari di Hévíz: (0036) 30/272-0007Associazione della Guardia Civile per la Sicurezza Pubblica di Héviz: (0036) 30/570-0309


The on-call medical service operates in Keszthely, in the Keszthely Hospital.

Central medical service operates in in the Keszthely Hospital (8360 Keszthely, Ady street 2.)

Phone number: +36 92 321 000, or 104

The joint rescue management / dispatching tasks are carried out by the National Ambulance Service’s Operating Group of Zalaegerszeg.
The service area of the Central medical service is Hévíz, Alsópáhok, Felsőpáhok, Nemesbük and Zalaköveskút. It serves the guests staying in the town and those who come upon.
Opening hours:
Monday– Friday: 4.00 pm – 8.00 am
On weekly rest-days and public holidays: 8.00 am – 8.00 am

Paediatrician in attendance is provided within the Central medical service. The on-call time is:
Monday – Friday: 4.00 pm – 9.00 pm
On weekly rest-days and public holidays: 8.00 am – 12.00 pm, 4.00 pm – 9.00 pm
During the on-call time the paediatrician, after being called, is required to appear on the spot of the phone call within 30 minutes and provide medical attendance.

The Emergency Dental Service is provided by the Allfordent LTD in Keszthely based on an agreement on attendance. 
Location: ALLFORDENT LTD., 8360 Keszthely, Kossuth Lajos street 7-9.
Phone number: +36 83 777 427
On-call time:
On weekly rest-days and public holidays: 9 am – 1 pm

The Local Government of Hévíz performs a higher level of medical care by providing the Central Medical Service, whose operation hopefully will be to your and our town’s guests’ satisfaction. 
The emergency medical attendance is provided free of charge for both Hungarian citizens and citizens coming from EEA member states and also outside the EEA region (Russia, Ukraine).

Tavirózsa Gyógyszertár Hévíz, Kossuth út 5.
Telefono: (0036) 83/343-421; 540-023; 540-024
Orario di apertura: dal lunedí al venerdí: 8.00-18.00
sabato: 8.00-12.00
turno domenicale: 8.00-12.00

Balzsam Patika Hévíz, Vörösmarty u. 14.
Orario di apertura:
dal lunedí al venerdí: 8.00-18.00
sabato: 8.00-13.00

Kórházi Gyógyszertár Hévíz, Dr. Schulhof Vilmos sétány 1.
+36 83 501 700/ 230
Lunedí – Venerdí:
8.00 – 12.00 e 13.00 – 15.00
8.00 – 12.00

Banca OTP filiale di Hévíz
- Erzsébet királyné utca 11.
- Ensana Thermal, ingresso principale: Kossuth u. 9-11.

Cooperativa del risparmio „Hévíz és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet”: Széchenyi u. 66. (Erste ATM)

Banca - Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank”: Rákóczi u. 13/15.
Banca OTP filiale di Hévíz- Erzsébet királyné utca 11.- Danubius Health Spa Resort, ingresso principale: Kossuth u. 13-15.- Kossuth u. 1. Cooperativa del risparmio „Hévíz és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet”: Széchenyi u. 66. (Erste ATM)Banca - Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank”: Rákóczi u. 13/15.Banca „Sberbank”: presso l’ingresso principale dell’ospedale „Szent András Reuma Kórház” - Dr. Schulhof sétány 1.
title: S.O.S. Hévíz
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szinoníma címkék:

3. Lago medicinale

Last modification: 2024. February. 14. 13:06

Találati relevancia adatok

megtalálta: szöveg (1)  | összesen: 1 pont
Tárolt adatok:
cím: Lago medicinale
tartalom: + 1 Il lago medicinale di Hévíz é il lago termale naturale biologicamente attivo piú grande del mondo, che rinfresca al tempo stesso il corpo e lo spirito. Il lago, della grandezza di 4,4 ettari, con sorgente profonda 38 metri, é alimentato da una sorgente contenente zolfo, e sostanze minerali, la cui abbondante portata d’acqua fa sí che nell’arco di 72 ore vi sia un ricambio d’acqua completo. L’acqua del lago di Hévíz é ricca al tempo stesso di materiali disciolti e di materiali gassosi, e unisce le proprietá favorevoli delle acque medicinali contenenti anidride carbonica, zolfo, calcio, magnesio, idrogenocarbonato. D’inverno la temperatura dell’acqua é 23-25 °C, mentre d’estate raggiunge anche i 33-36 °C. La sua acqua é in continuo movimento: da un lato ruota lentamente da sinistra a destra, dall’altro invece dal basso verso l’alto (dato che l’acqua calda tende sempre a muoversi verso l’alto mentre quella fredda va a fondo). Questa corrente bidirezionale mantiene in continuo movimento l’acqua del lago, e per questo i bagnanti avvertono una sensazione simile ad un massaggio. A Hévíz é possibile trovare praticamente tutti gli elementi della guarigione naturale e del mantenimento della salute, che come minuscole particelle che abboccano tra loro formano un insieme. Questo insieme puó essere descritto con un unica parola, la parola salute. Gli elementi hanno un effetto guaritivo anche di per sé, ma la presenza congiunta puó essere applicata con maggiore efficacia sia nel corso della guarigione che della riabilitazione e del mantenimento della salute. La base di partenza degli effetti guaritivi di Hévíz é pertanto la cura dei bagni, ma anche altri trattamenti terapeutici specifici, quali ad esempio gli impacchi di fango, la famosa idroterapia con i pesi, i massaggi e la cura idropinica. Main Entrance &Festetics Spa Entrance dr. Schulhof Vilmos promenade and Ady Endre Street Early season / Off season 25 March 2024 - 26 May 2024 9 September 2024 - 6 October 2024 Open: 9:00Closing of the cashdesk: 17:30End of bathing time/wellness: 18:00Closing: 18:30   High season 27 May 2024 - 8 September 2024 Open: 9:00Closing of the cashdesk: 18:00End of bathing time/wellness: 18:30Closing: 19:00 Low season1 January 2024 - 24 March 20247 October 2024 - 30 March 2025 Open: 9:00Closing of the cashdesk: 16:30End of bathing time/wellness: 17:00Closing: 17:30 Holiday time in December   Closing time on 24.12.2024 is at 14:00; on 31.12.2024 at 16:00. Opening time is at 11:00 on 01.01.2025.   Summer Entrance Deák Ferenc Square  Currently closed Opening: 9:00Closing of the cashdesk: 18:00Closing: 19:00   Hévíz Lake Bath reserve the right to change the opening hours and prices. Hévíz Lake Bath Telephone:+36 30 959 1002       Prezzi   Valid from 01. April 2023. until withdrawn 3-hour tickets 3-hour ticket 4 500 Ft 3-hour senior ticket / over 60 years old 4 000 Ft 3-hour student ticket / over 14 years old 4 000 Ft 3-hour children ticket / between 6 and 14 years old 2 400 Ft 3-hour group ticket / up to 20 people 4 000 Ft / p Daily tickets Daily ticket 7 500 Ft Daily senior ticket / over 60 years old 7 000 Ft Daily student ticket 7 000 Ft Daily children ticket For children between 6 -14 years of age. Admission for children under 6 is free. 3 600 Ft Combined family daily tickets Minimum 3 person, if at least 1 person is a child. Adult 7 000 Ft / p Student (over 14)Senior (over 60) 6 000 Ft / p Children (between 6-14) 3 600 Ft / p Additional tickets + 1 hour extension (for the 3-hour tickets) 1 800 Ft + upgrading to daily ticket (for the 3-hour tickets) 3 600 Ft + additional wellness ticket (for all tickets) 3 300 Ft Time limit fee (For exceeding the time limit, for every 30 minutes started.) 1 000 Ft Lake Passes 10-hour Lake Pass - Valid on the day of purchase + 15 calendar days. 13 000 Ft + 2 000 Ft deposit 20-hour Lake Pass - Valid on the day of purchase + 25 calendar days. 23 000 Ft + 2 000 Ft deposit Other ticket types Discounted Ticket before Closing (available 2 hours before the end of bathing time) 3 600 Ft Visitor's Ticket (bathing is not included, max. 30 min) 1 900 Ft + 3 000 Ft deposit Luggage room (seasonal) 300 Ft / package Swim-rig rental (daily fee) 700 Ft + 2 000 Ft deposit   Single-day tickets: Usable on the day of purchase only. Entitles the bearer to one-time entry. An additional charge will be levied if the allotted time limit is exceeded. Additional time extension cannot be purchased after the time limit has expired. Lake passes: Deposits are refundable within 5 days of expiery. Refunds are payable in cash only, each day before the end of bathing time. Passes eintitle the bearer to enter the premises on two occasions per day. Following the bearer's first exit, a 15-minute wait period is required before return entry is permitted. Upon exiting the premises, locker number assignments are automatically cleared, after which we can accept no liability for contents. An additional charge will be levied if the alloted time limit is exceeded.
title: Lago medicinale
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