Rooms, services
The guests of New VeronikApartman Hévíz may stay in a nicely furnished, comfortable room in Hévíz.
The apartment provides a parking space for you without charging any additional costs.
Thanks to air-conditioning in all rooms, you can rest assured that you will be arriving home to a cool and pleasant room even after an exhaustive and long day. If you have a suitable portable device, you can connect to the Internet via a wireless network (WiFi) available at the apartment. There is a separate bathroom and a toilet available to all rooms.
If you wish to learn more about the exact scope of services provided by New VeronikApartman Hévíz (including those available for an extra fee) or about the equipment of the rooms, you can find the complete list on the information sheet below and on the information sheet of the given room.
The apartment is situated 2 km from Egregy Wine Cellars, 1.1 km away from Lake Hévíz.
Your booking does not include catering at the displayed prices.
The apartment is offering you the following methods for payment: cash, mbh szép card, bank transfer, széchenyi recreation card. To be able to accept your booking request New VeronikApartman Hévíz is asking for 30% advance payment.
Arrival, opening hours
The earliest check-in time is 15:00, the latest check-out time is 10:00.
The personnel is at your service in Hungarian, English and German languages.