
Kissné Marika Apartman Hévíz

Ratings: 29

ÁrgaranciaKissné Marika Apartman Hévíz


Rooms, services
The guests of Kissné Marika Apartman Hévíz may stay in two nice, neat rooms in Hévíz.
The apartment has an own parking lot, enabling you to park your car on the spot for free.
The apartment is offering Internet connection, so you may go online anytime with your laptop during your stay. A separate toilet and bathroom are provided to all rooms.
To learn more about the exact range of services of Kissné Marika Apartman Hévíz (including services for an extra fee) and the exact equipment of the rooms, please check the information sheet below and the information sheet of the respective rooms.

The apartment is 1.5 km from Lake Hévíz, 1.3 km away from Egregy Wine Cellars.

The indicated room prices do not include catering.

You will be able to pay your reservation in cash only.

Arrival, opening hours
The earliest time to arrive is 12:00, the latest time to leave the rooms is 10:00.
The personnel can communicate with you in the following languages: Hungarian and German.

The price shown here is based on the number of adults you specified. You have to give in the number and age of the children again.


  • Accomodation type

    • Apartment
  • Payment methods

    • Cash
  • Baby and child-friendly

    • Baby food heating possibility
  • Parking

    • On site parking
  • Others

    • Wifi in public areas


GPS: 46.7961474 | 17.1896216
Térképes elérhetőségek: GPS koordináták alapján