
Zöld Oázis Apartmanház Hévíz

Ratings: 32

ÁrgaranciaZöld Oázis Apartmanház Hévíz


Rooms, services
The guests of Zöld Oázis Apartmanház Hévíz may stay in 12 nicely furnished, comfortable rooms in Hévíz.
The apartment provides a parking space for you without charging any additional costs. Refreshing wellness services will be available on the spot, for the details please check the information sheet.
In case you'd bring your laptop along, you may go online via wireless Internet connection (WiFi) available at the apartment.
The exact list of services available at Zöld Oázis Apartmanház Hévíz (including those for an extra fee) and the exact list of equipment in a room can be found on the information sheet below and on the information sheet of the respective rooms.

The apartment is situated 900 meters from Egregy Wine Cellars, 1 km away from Lake Hévíz.

The indicated prices are without catering.

You may pay your reservation by the following payment methods: cash, debit/credit card, mbh szép card, széchenyi recreation card. Zöld Oázis Apartmanház Hévíz requires 30% advance payment prior to finalizing your reservation.

Arrival, opening hours
The earliest time to check in to your room is 14:00, the latest time to check out of your room is 10:00.
The personnel can speak Hungarian, English and German languages.

The price shown here is based on the number of adults you specified. You have to give in the number and age of the children again.


  • Accomodation type

    • Apartment
  • Payment methods

    • Cash
    • Creditcard
  • Wellness services

    • Pool
    • Massage
  • Parking

    • On site parking
  • Others

    • Wifi in public areas


GPS: 46.79887008667 | 17.188539505005
Térképes elérhetőségek: GPS koordináták alapján