
Spa Residence Carbona Apartman 104 ***** Hévíz

Ratings: 5

ÁrgaranciaSpa Residence Carbona Apartman 104 ***** Hévíz


Rooms, services
Spa Residence Carbona Apartman 104 ***** Hévíz is welcoming all guests in Hévíz with a comfortable room to stay in.
Services designed especially for small children ensure that the complete family will have a nice time at this apartment. You may taste delicious, fresh meals in the restaurant of the apartment every day. The apartment has an own parking lot, enabling you to park your car on the spot for free. We recommend trying some of the relaxing wellness services available at the apartment, please check the information sheet for the details.
Even during the hottest summer days the temperature is pleasant, thanks to air-conditioners being in operation in all rooms. In case you'd bring your laptop along, you may go online via Internet connection available in the rooms. All rooms are equipped with a separate toilet and bathroom.
The exact list of services available at Spa Residence Carbona Apartman 104 ***** Hévíz (including those for an extra fee) and the exact list of equipment in a room can be found on the information sheet below and on the information sheet of the respective rooms.

Egregy Wine Cellars is 1.5 km, Lake Hévíz 200 meters from the apartment.

The displayed room prices do not include catering.

The apartment is offering the following methods to pay your reservation: bank transfer, széchenyi recreation card. Prior to finalizing your reservation Spa Residence Carbona Apartman 104 ***** Hévíz requests 100% advance payment.

Arrival, opening hours
The earliest time to check in at the apartment is 15:00, the latest time to check out is 10:00.
Hungarian, English, German and Russian languages are spoken by the personnel.

The price shown here is based on the number of adults you specified. You have to give in the number and age of the children again.


  • Accomodation type

    • Apartment
  • Payment methods

    • Transfer
  • Wellness services

    • Pool
    • Plunge pool
    • Infra sauna
    • Finnish sauna
    • Kneipp circuit
    • Leisure pool
    • Steam room
    • Jacuzzi
    • Massage
    • Aroma cabin
  • Baby and child-friendly

    • High chair
    • Play-room
  • Parking

    • On site parking
  • Others

    • Wifi in public areas


GPS: 46.790996551514 | 17.188089370728
Térképes elérhetőségek: GPS koordináták alapján

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