Rooms, services
16 comfortably furnished rooms are offered by ALina Apartmanház Hévíz to guests looking for accommodation in Hévíz.
The apartment offers chield-friendly services during your stay, would be therefore pleased to host the entire family. You may also take your pet along for your stay, the apartment is prepared for to host it. An additional fee applies to reservations with pets. The apartment provides a parking space for you without charging any additional costs. We recommend trying some of the relaxing wellness services available at the apartment, please check the information sheet for the details.
You won't have to worry about the heat, air-conditioners operating in some of the rooms will take care of a pleasant mood even during the hottest summer days (please check the information sheet of each room to see if air-conditioning is provided). You can also bring your laptop for the holiday, for there is wireless Internet connection (WiFi) available at the apartment.
To learn more about the exact range of services of ALina Apartmanház Hévíz (including services for an extra fee) and the exact equipment of the rooms, please check the information sheet below and the information sheet of the respective rooms.
The display prices include rich, tasty breakfast for every day of your stay.
The following methods are available to pay the reservation: cash, debit/credit card, bank transfer, mbh szép card, széchenyi recreation card. To be able to accept your booking request ALina Apartmanház Hévíz is asking for 30% advance payment.
Arrival, opening hours
The earliest time to arrive is 15:00, the latest time to leave the rooms is 10:00.
The personnel of the hotel can speak in Hungarian and German with you.