Movement therapy

In the course of general movement development, the aim is to stimulate brain functions, increase and refine attention and concentration skills. On the other hand, the goal of the movement development treatments – medical gymnastics and direct spinal exercises- , which are primarily carried out in Hévíz, are healing, recovery and prevention. These methods are especially important in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases.

Physical and therapeutic exercise

Exercise with professional supervision or therapeutic exercise is part of a complex treatment. It is an extremely important therapy in the treatment of locomotor disorders. Unhealthy lifestyles, such as lack of physical exercise in many cases further deteriorate the health of the patients, which can be helped by regular physical exercise. Therapeutic exercise: one of the aims of the physical exercise tailored to the condition of the individual is to restore the injured joints and spine operation, to improve the condition and power of the muscle system, to eliminate its defects and to correct the posture of the individual.

Spinal exercise

It is a method mainly used for increasing the movement range of the spine as well as for mobilising the neck and waist. However, successful results can be achieved with it in stretching muscles that are shortened because of poor posture or pain, strengthening muscles around the back, the abdomen and the hips, or improving coordination. Spinal exercise is carried out in an eased position with the help of qualified physiotherapists in every case. The movements are easy to learn and can be performed later at home as well.

Underwater exercise

This therapy applies the healing impact of mixed medicinal water and the favourable physical characteristics of water (ascensional power, resistance, etc.). Underwater exercise causes less strain to the muscles and joints, therefore it is also suitable for those, who are not allowed to do normal physical exercise. The impact of all these treatments can be boosted by treatments based on thermal (heat), electric, etc. energies.

In addition to the mentioned traditional methods, special techniques can also be used for treating back problems:

  • Schroth therapy
  • Manual therapy
  • McKenzie method
  • Kinezio tape
  • Spineliner treatment

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