On two wheels

Choose an outdoor spot for sports activities whenever it is possible. While you are on holiday, a lake-shore area, the edge of a forest or a park could be the most ideal spot for active recreation.

On two wheels

Hévíz and its surroundings provide you with good cycling facilities; there are a number of built cycle tracks and marked cycle routes. While cycling, you can get to know the towns and superb landscapes of the Balaton Highlands, the volcanic hills and the valleys hiding between the shore hills as well as the wildlife of the Kis-Balaton. You can hire a bike in various places, including tourist offices, hotels and even guest houses.

Our short tours could be enjoyable for anybody. Speed is not essential on our short tours. Most of the tours are led on cycle paths, minor roads with low traffic or on well passable dirt roads. Explore the attractions and the beauties of nature on two wheels, and what is even more important is that you’ll make efforts for your health.

Bicycle and E-bike rent at the Tourinform Office: qualitative Alpina bikes, 1.500 Ft / 2 hours, 3.000 Ft / 1 day, E-bikes are 3.000 Ft/2hours or 5.500 Ft/24 hours. At the office you can also register for the plastic card for HeBi bikes.


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